Beauty salon cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaner in beauty salons

Beauty salon cleaning

Just why would you need an ultrasonic cleaner in a beauty salon?

Professionals like beauticians, hairdressers, barbers, tattoo artists and the like are aware of how quickly an infection can occur if their equipment is not completely clean and disinfected. Therefore, they dedicate part of their time to cleaning their equipment.

What if you could save the time you spend cleaning?

Here is a method of cleaning that many people do not yet know or doubt about its quality. Of course we are talking about ultrasonic cleaning. Not only does the device clean better than by hands, but it also does it faster and more tools at once.

We will not talk about the basics of ultrasonic cleaning and the method of cleaning here, as we have already written about this in previous post.

We would like to describe the work of our satisfied customer, who uses hers ASonic PRO 20 ultrasonic cleaner in her work in a beauty salon. She opted for it when she wanted to save time and dedicate it to her customers and to improve the business instead.

In an ultrasonic cleaner, she can wash anything that can get wet and then dry. She allowed us insight into her tool cleaning process after removing gel nail polish and eyebrow shaping tweezers.

It pours preheated water into the ultrasonic bath (saving time), adds AS-UPC cleaning powder, which improves the process itself, and adds cleaning items. After a 5 minute cycle, removes the items, rinse them under running water, dry and prepare for sterilization.

The ASonic PRO 20 ultrasonic bath and AS-UCP cleaning powder were used in the procedure. The universal cleaning powder is intended for the removal of dirt, dried blood, residual tissues and other substances from instruments and glassware.

After the procedure itself, the items are ready for reuse.


We clean, We restore, We revive


More things should be preserved and cleaned instead of replaced with new ones. Our idea is to give you the best option for your Home or Work environment.

Customer care

We offer full support and knowledge about ultrasonic cleaning. Our team is ready to improve your work and help you work more efficiently than ever.


Our focus is to listen to our clients, understand their needs and provide the exceptional level of Ultrasonic cleaning with a wide range of application.

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